Dear Friends,
We have much to be grateful for and hopeful about even as we head toward the shortest day of the year and the start of the winter. We’re grateful to the veterans we honored yesterday, to our frontline and essential workers tirelessly fighting the COVID pandemic, and to all of our partners working to make our parks a place of respite.
Our country has elected a new President and a new Vice President, the first woman to hold the office. As an organization working to combat the impacts of climate change and promote racial equity, we are hopeful that this will result in the nation rejoining the Paris Accord, reducing our carbon emissions, and better preparing for the impacts of climate change. We are also hopeful that policies addressing historic inequities can buttress our work to make the waterfront and the Boston Harbor Islands National and State Park more welcoming to everyone. You can do your part to support these efforts by protecting equitable access to our Harbor. Reach out to your legislators and the MBTA to voice your support of public ferry service.
The King Tides that we’ll see on Monday afternoon provide a glimpse into future flooding while the work of the newly launched Stone Living Lab is helping us to better prepare for that future with scientifically tested coastal solutions. Our harbor and our parks continue to draw us out of our homes and into each other’s company in socially distanced ways that contribute to our physical, mental. and emotional health in every season. And although the cold may arrive soon, here at Boston Harbor Now we are continuing our theme of “Bundle Up Boston” by planning programs to help us all get through the winter together while the Barr Foundation is running two workshops next week focused on how to “Embrace Winter.”
With gratitude,
Katherine F. Abbott
President and CEO
Boston Harbor Now