Boston Harbor Now is proud to announce that we have been awarded one of the very first Community Preservation Act (CPA) grants from the City of Boston in the amount of $48,000 to erect shade shelters on Spectacle Island. The Boston City Council voted last Wednesday to approve 35 projects for the initial round of CPA funding from the Spring pool of applicants. More than 40,000 kids and adults visit Spectacle Island each season.
Boston Harbor Now applied for the funding to erect 3 new permanent shade structures to be located at the end of the pier and on the island’s saddle. Because Spectacle Island is the site of a former landfill, its impervious clay cap must not be disturbed by excavation to install footings or foundations associated with conventional construction. The new tent structures will be supported by concrete anchors and provide welcomed shade for visitors to the island on warm summer afternoons. The new canopies will also add creative venues for music, artistic programming and other special events.